http://www.yinghuaedu.com 来源:英华教育(青岛)语言中心 发布时间:2013-06-05 19:10:27
1. 中国要发展,离不开科学
China cannot advance without science
2. 企业改革和金融改革
On the reform of enterprises and of the banking system
3. 改革的步子要加快
We shall speed up reform
4. 立足民族平等,加快西藏发展
China’s policy, based on the equality of nationalities, is to accelerate development in Tibet
5. 我们干的事业是全新的事业
We are undertaking an entirely new endeavor
6. 科学技术是第一生产力
Science and technology constitute a primary productive force
7. 结束过去, 开辟未来
Let us put the past behind us and open up a new era
8. 我们有信心把中国的事情做得更好
We are confident that we can handle China’s affairs well
9. 国家的主权和安全要始终放在第一位
First priority should always be given to national sovereignty and security
10. 国际形势和经济问题
The international situation and economic problems
1. 这些国家的经济形势每况愈下。
The economic situation in these countries is on the downgrade.
2. 扪心自问, 他不得不承认自己是错了。
By searching his heart he could not but admit that he was in the wrong.
3. 我们必须全力以赴,拿下这场球。
We must do our level best to win this game.
4. 照当时的情况,他除了忍气吞声又能怎么办呢?
As things stood, what else could he do but swallow the insult?
5. 我讨厌游手好闲的人。
I dislike the people eating the bread of idleness.
6. 我们为什么要引狼入室呢?
Why did you set the wolf to keep the sheep?
7. 他是信口开河,他对经济一窍不通。
He is shooting off his mouth. He does not know the first thing of economy.