http://www.yinghuaedu.com 来源:英华教育(青岛)语言中心 发布时间:2013-04-26 14:28:07
英语阅读:看土拨鼠萌态,吃撑了趴在地上起不来At just a few days old and on his first adventure outside of his undergr...
At just a few days old and on his first adventure outside of his underground burrow home, it's little wonder that this tiny prairie dog pup overindulged on tasty snacks and needed to lie down.
Surrounded by fresh fruit and vegetables that were almost as big as them, the pup and his siblings weren't shy in tucking in to their lunch while out playing with their mother.
Two of the siblings even nibbled on the same lettuce leaf as they enjoyed their healthy meal.

Animal loving photographer Jen Lockridge spent more than an hour watching the pups play with their mother at Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.
照片是由动物摄影爱好者Jen Lockridge 在巴尔的摩的马里兰动物园拍摄而成,他花了一个多小时观看这些小土拨鼠和妈妈一起嬉戏的场景。
Jen, from Annapolis, Maryland, said: 'I was amused to watch the younger pups sitting in the exhibit surrounded by animal chow that was almost bigger than them. The prairie dogs are fun to watch as they are very active and clever.'